Friday, June 3, 2011

VCG & Rivers of Recovery Journey to Well Being


Rivers of Recovery and VeteranCaregiver have joined forces to bring this proven and remarkable recreational therapy program to 12 veterans and their caregivers.  Yesterday marked the beginning of the first 4-day program with a pickup of half the group at the Salt Lake City airport, where it was wonderful to meet folks we only knew through interaction here at VCG.  Matching faces with names was a pleasure!

We then embarked on a 3.5 hour drive northeast of Salt Lake City, driving through beautiful country, complete with snow-capped peaks, rolling hills, verdant valleys (I always wanted to write the word "verdant" in a sentence!), and arrived in the small but remarkable town of Dutch John, Utah, population 80.  We settled in for a great dinner and lots of fellowship, with the preface by Dan Cook, the founder of Rivers of Recovery that we would be on the Green River tomorrow, absorbing and appreciating with all our senses the beauty and fun of this gorgeous location by 8am.  Included in the morning and evening would also be specific relaxation tools, sessions one on one with a remarkable recreational therapy staff, and in conjunction with medical leadership at the highest levels.

For most, this was a challenging day just getting on a plane and embarking on this journey.  Yet, we know that neither veterans nor our remarkable caregivers lack for courage.  Stepping into new situations, trusting those they don't know in a new situation, and opening up to new experience is a valiant step.  For those of you picturing warm temps and calm blue water -- well, it's very chilly a mile up, and the clothing is layered for the high of 52 and a low of 39.

It's going to be a good day!  Pictures to come --



  1. Wonderful news Linda. I wish you all a fantastic trip and loads of friendship and healing for your group. We will be with you in spirit and look forward to learning more about what happens there in Utah.

  2. Linda, we are members of the project healing waters and this ROR was mentioned to my husband who is a guide for ROR during the summer. How do we go about finding the information on the couples retreat and be able to go together? Thanks for this information! Hope you are having lots of fun!!

  3. Greetings, just email Dan Cook at and request information about the Couples Program, and mention that you heard about it through the VCG Blog. (Thank you!)

    Learning a new sport while spending time together, and experiencing proven coping skills to help manage PTSD for both of you is remarkable.
