Thursday, August 23, 2012

Traumatic Brain Injury Updates

Greetings all,

Despite the enormous effort to provide articles, webinars, PSA’s, and more on the Invisible Injuries of PTSD and TBI, it seems that there are still too many families (and medical staff) that feel many of the symptoms are “in your head”.  There are two very good TBI blog posts by the Defense Centers of Excellence for Traumatic Brain Injury that may resonate with you and your warrior or veteran. 

The first addresses Neuroendocrine Dysfunction in TBI ( and the second, older one discusses what the families may experience and how to best identify the problem and support your warrior (

Undiagnosed TBI can lead to devastating outcomes for relationships. Many families talk about the “lack of verbal filters”, the short-term memory loss, mood swings, paranoia, and the agitation that TBI may present.  And, if you or your veteran is unfortunate enough to not receive care for your TBI because the doctors say “you look fine; just adapt”, you may need to  persist and document the symptoms to obtain care.  Be alert to support those fighting to make sense of their lives when they suddenly can’t keep it together, but don’t understand what their list of symptoms may mean. 

The military is taking notice and working diligently to identify and treat TBI beginning in-country. A new blast exposure technical tool is in use for measuring blast exposure and potential injuries.  Protocols exist for first, second, and subsequent concussive events.  But, the families must be aware to bring specific behaviors to the attention of the warrior or veteran, as symptoms can manifest long after the last event. 

Consider the increased suicide risk without diagnosis and treatment of even mild TBI in this third article:  (  Traumatic Brain Injury is serious, but there are options.  Continually learn about new research and treatments alternatives -- and do not give up the quest for diagnosis and management.

With respect and care,

Linda Kreter and the VeteranCaregiver Team 

1 comment:

  1. Traumatic brain injury is totally serious..that's right there are some option on how to treat it but the problem is the expenses, sometimes it is very costly.

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